Sunday, May 5, 2013

narrative essay
Imagine, you're a third grade student. You just found out that your best friend just committed suicide. Many thoughts are running through your mind. At that age can you really grasp what suicide is? At the age of eight I had to experience this awful tragedy. To this day I still cant quite understand why, why would a beautiful young girl with her whole life ahead of her do such a horrific thing. Why couldn't I help her? with so many "whys" and "what ifs" that cross my mind, I am left confused. But by doing some research of my own I was able to find facts that can better help people going through this. Maybe by presenting facts and warning signs people can help other people who feel lost and alone.
Maybe it's time you hear her story:
  Angelica Gutierrez: age 8 

Become involved. Here is a closer look at... 
                                                                   Suicide Awareness

Every 14.2 seconds a Suicide is committed.
One of the leading causes of deaths in Teenagers.
Depression increases ones risk of suicide.

Warning signs of suicide:
> Feeling of helplessness
> Decrease of being with family and friends
> Dramatic mood swings
> Drug and alcohol abuse
> Lost of interest in activities
> For more information visit Warning signs:    

Many celebraties such as Demi Lovato (pictured above) have joined an anti-bullying and suicide awareness campaign that emphasises the slogan " Love is louder that the pressure to be perfect." With the help of Seventeen Magazine, this slogan and this "movement" was able to shared world wide. I think it is important that as many people as possible take a closer look into the JED movement and help spread the word. You don't need to be a major celebrity in order to share your story, or to help others.
 please take a closer look : Love is louder



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